Saturday, November 25, 2017

Experience Triumphs_Mekhi Jones

Do you think that we would be able to send Humanoid robots enhanced with AI systems to Mars and they'll be able to "discover" the planet? See, we can run it through all types of imaginable space conditions, and equip it with a tools for every imaginable situation. But, what are the limits to our imagination? A machine learning algorithm takes conclusions from a mass number of data points, so if there's an unexpected information as input, how will the machine respond?

I believe that there is nothing better than experience. Actual first hand, going out there, and doing something. Seeing and doing something for the first time, taking it in, moving on to the next adventure. I think that was my main motivation for this trip (outside of the setting in depression), to just live again. I think Steinbeck said it best, was that some people stop living in order to live longer. This trip has brought me to a new mindset, that I would rather dying burning in a flame that to die as a withering wisk of light. 

There's a friend of my friend, (James's character), he reads a lot. Now although there are many books that teach life lessons, I am a much bigger advocate for experience over reading. It's like the difference between reading how to drive a stick shift car and actually doing it. Or not knowing the law until you break it. 

I can't say exactly what I've learned on this trip. I feel unchanged. I've come to the conclusion that this hasn't been a trip of massive change for me. I haven't been baptized in the booze and sex sweat that has covered me so far. I haven't risen a new man. But I have been occupied; I've lived in the moment, and wasn't forecasting what the market was going to look like in 4-10 years.

It's surprisingly been relaxing.

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