Saturday, December 2, 2017

Wild blog post

Dear Cheryl,
I hope this letter finds you well. I know that it’s been a long couple of months, and I hope that you’ve found some kind of comfort on the Pacific Crest Trail. What is it like being alone for that long? I enjoy the long stretches of time alone of a road trip, but backpacking is different – at least I get to interact with other people every day when I stop in a town to sleep or get food; for you, I’m sure there have been entire weeks of isolation. I’m not sure I could handle that. At the same time, I guess you’ve had a lot of time to think.
Do you feel like this trip has changed your perspective at all? I know that being on the road for this long has changed my priorities, and in particular has changed how I view my home. I know you’ve only been on the trail for a few weeks, but how has it affected you so far? And does it feel like it’s been more than just a few weeks? I know I feel like I’ve been traveling for practically my whole life, even though it has only been a couple of months. I’m looking forward to going home, but it doesn’t feel urgent. It’s going to be strange to get home and find everyone back, changed in their own ways. I wonder who I will have grown apart from and who I will have grown in the same direction as.
Anyway, I hope you’re having a good time on the trail, and please drop me a line if you get the chance at some point! I’ll be home next week, maybe the week after. Good luck – I know you can do this!


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