Monday, October 9, 2017

Trading in a Cushion for Experience (Week 2)

Thus far, the peak of my excitement on the bus to Pittsburgh has been the rare epiphanies I find upon reading my engineering whitepapers and getting lost in the twist and turns of your tale "Sal". I follow you into the bars you explored (both with strangers and friends) and try to comprehend your sense of unease with handling a gun for your barrack night job and find myself questioning my method of travel every time I am bought back to these cushioned seats by an attendant inquiring about snacks and drinks. I wonder how much more I would get out of this journey if I was star gazing with hobos over the plains rather than scrolling through an ever growing collection of movies on my laptop. I was never much of a drinker or party goer in college and I sometimes wonder if I sold myself short. Reading some of the highs and lows of your drunken ventures remind me that I did what was best for me, but that stargazing and open style of travel! That awakens the wanderlust that I thought passed on with my youth. Maybe today, I will also try to fall into a random deep conversation with someone new. I suppose even after college there is still so much to learn. You're lucky to have, at some point in your life, been around a person like Dean that brings adventure to your front door.

With new contemplation on what to do next,
-Zachariah Johnson

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