Monday, December 4, 2017

Extra Credit -

Walking, wilderness, wildness, and memoir: how I remember my journey just a decade ago. From unforeseen circumstances that led to my plane's diversion to my spontaneous journey into the Sequoia woods and all that occurred between, I look back on those memories fondly. My resilience, at the time, astounds me. Despite each obstacle, I press onwards with unwavering determination. In my journey, I discover the consolations and eeriness of solitude. Without thought, I jeopardize my life to aid a family in desperate need. Again, without thinking, I steal a car from an innocent bystander. Without regard for inhibition, I veer off course on several occasions, allowing my senses to guide me. It is in those instances that I discover invaluable truth, about myself and the world around me.

I could have never foreseen all that was to come once I would step off that plane. The pandemonium that would follow. Despite the chaos, I never regret a minute of my time on the road. I returned more alive than ever. My appreciation for spontaneity grew. I was confident, liberated from former insecurities. While others may have cursed this, I, for one, was grateful. I realize now that it is the one who strays from the given path who reigns.

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